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 Home    Merry Christmas. Bring on 2017!

Hi All

Wow. What a year for Jandson. We have had one of our busiest years ever both in construction and sales. Whilst its fair to say the sales side of the business has gone back to a normalised market our pre-Construction and Construction teams have been flat out completing homes for clients that have been waiting for Land Registrations to occur…..some for up to 12 months.

To say we are proud of every member of the Jandson Family is a huge understatement. There has been many long, extra hours from the whole team and they are going to have a very well earned break. I’m sure I speak on behalf of Graham Matherson, Pat Sullivan and Graham Field in saying thank you and we look forward to an even better 2017 with many new and exciting projects in the works that will provide a new chapter for Jandson Homes. Watch this space in 2017:)

To all our fantastic clients. Thank you for supporting us in what has been a monstrous year in construction. Many of you moved into your new homes this year and will be celebrating your first Christmas and New Years celebrations. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, safe New Year….the first of many to come.

To all our suppliers and contractors. There are literally too many to mention. You too deserve a pat on the back for keeping our business rolling. Without your support nothing would happen. Seriously who would our Estimators and Supervisors yell at when things go wrong….they would be out of a job.:)lol Thankfully things like this do not happen that often and truth be told we are lucky to have the support and respect of all our contractors and suppliers so, Thank you. Have a great Christmas break and we will see you all in 2017.

To our major suppliers of land. LendLease and Crown Developments. Your continued support is what has provided the back bone of our business for a number of years now. Words cannot describe how much we cherish the relationship we have you guys and we look forward to an ongoing, mutually beneficial relationship for many years to come.

Lastly I’d  like to thank a few other people who personally make my job easier. Melissa and Amanda from Divine Creative Design Agency. You guys have been awesome in helping me with the website, artworks and Social Media marketing side of things. I look forward to continued development of the business in 2017 with you.

I wish everyone a VERY Merry Christmas and a prosperous, safe New Year. Take care and we will see you in the new year.




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