Jandson Homes are new home builders Sydney who build on a wide variety of blocks, and have a range of home plans for every type of home site imaginable – including narrow, courtyard and conventional home sites as well as shorter, sloping, battle-axe and corner home sites.
Jandson Homes have recently celebrated 30 years in business. We began building in 1985, and since then we have completed homes for over 2,500 families.
Over our 30 years we have built townhouse developments, low rise units, aged person units, duplexes, developed land and built many single homes. These days we prefer to focus on single homes and duplexes.
Jandson has been an active member of the building industry believing that we can only expect to get back from the industry what we are willing to put in. We have been an active member of the Housing Industry Association, sitting on various committees, including the NSW Executive, over a 20 year period as well as various Government working parties and committees.
We work with the following organisations:
- NSW Department of Housing
- Defence Housing Australia
- Lend Lease Australia
- JLF Foundation
- McNamara Group
The management of Jandson Homes strongly believes that participating in our community is essential for our future. We have worked with TAFE to develop innovative training programs for apprentices, supported local sports clubs and various charities.
We’ve learnt a lot over the years, and want to share as much of our knowledge as possible to help you choose the right builder, the right design, and the right inclusions.
How we do it – the Jandson Homes Strategy.
- We work only in fields where we have the skills and expertise to do the job well.
- We will undertake work only if we have adequate financial and management resources to complete the project to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.
- We employ only those who meet our standards of excellence, dedication, and integrity.
- We choose employees who bring skills and knowledge to our company and to our clients, and who complement and enhance our collective abilities.
- Our people must be specialists in their field.
- We are determined that our clients should be confident they are dealing with people who are committed, knowledgeable, resourceful, and innovative: a team dedicated to completing our clients’ projects in full satisfaction of their expectations and with a maximum of efficiency.
Environmental Policy.
The Jandson Homes commitment to environmental sustainability is an integral part of our business. Our commitment includes:
- Evaluating our products and services to ensure their effective environmental performance.
- Educating our employees and contractors on their environmental responsibilities, and helping them understand how their actions influence environmental performance
- A target of zero environmental incidents and accidents
- Reducing emissions and waste
- Using energy and resources efficiently and effectively
- Communicating openly about our environmental performance
- Striving for continual improvement in our environmental performance through effective management
- Recognising outstanding environmental performance on the part of our employees and contractors
- Designing and constructing homes that exceed the minimum BASIX requirements
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